Reducing business costs will lift investment in accommodation industry

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Accommodation businesses have been planning for the Asian Century for some time, says AAA chief Richard Munro.
Accommodation businesses have been planning for the Asian Century for some time, says AAA chief Richard Munro.

"The accommodation industry is already well aware of the enormous potential of significant increases in the number of Asian visitors to Australia and businesses in our sector have been planning accordingly for some time."

That is the view of Accommodation Association of Australia chief executive officer Richard Munro in response to the release of the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper.

"In addition, Tourism Australia has been actively promoting greater levels of investment in tourism accommodation infrastructure to cater for higher demand from Asia – the number of visitors to Australia from China in the 12 months ending August 2012 was up more than 16 per cent on the same period last year," according to Munro.

"The information and objectives contained in the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper will complement the body of work that is already being undertaken.

"The national objectives in the White Paper that the accommodation industry supports include reducing business costs by billions of dollars each year and schools placing greater emphasis on Asian studies/languages.

"Reducing regulation and red tape for businesses in our sector will promote more investment in our sector, both from existing operators, as well as Asian and other overseas investors.

"With Tourism 2020 outlining a goal of 40,000-70,000 new accommodation rooms being required by the end of the decade to meet increased visitor demand, it is imperative that business costs are lower.

"Regarding expanding Asian studies and languages within schools, the students of today are the workers of tomorrow in the accommodation industry – therefore, it's important that they are well educated about how best to interact with the thousands of additional visitors from Asia that are forecast to come to Australia.

"The Accommodation Association looks forward to continuing to work closely with the federal and state/territory governments to assist with ensuring our industry prospers in the Asian century."

Source: Accommodation Association of Australia
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